本周五6月14日下午,姚新教授来我校做学术报告, 请感兴趣的老师及课题组的研究生积极参会 。
姚新,英国伯明翰大学计算机学院首席教授,中国科学技术大学长江学者特聘教授,是国际演化计算领域内著名的学者,共计发表相关文献300多篇,大会特邀报告50多次,担任10多个国际著名期刊的编辑,曾于2003-2008年担任IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION 的总编。
报告题目: Some Applications of Evolutionary Computation
时间:6 月14日周五 16:00~17:00
地点:图书馆 中心会议室
Evolutionary computation has enjoyed an incredible growth in recent years. This talk highlights a few examples in evolutionary computation in terms of its applications, including data-driven modelling using the evolutionary approach in materials engineering,
dynamic route optimisation for salting trucks, multi-objective design of hardware and software, neural network ensemble learning for pattern classification, and online ensemble learning in the presence of concept drifts. The primary objective of this talk is to illustrate novel applications of various evolutionary computation techniques,rather than to go into depth on any of the examples. However, I would be delighted to go into the depth on any of the topics if there is an interest.
Xin Yao is a Professor (Chair) of Computer Science at the University of Birmingham, UK, and directs the Centre of Excellence for Research in Computational Intelligence and Applications (CERCIA,http://www.cercia.ac.uk) , which specialises in applied research and knowledge transfer. He is also a Changjiang (Visiting) Chair Professor (Cheung Kong Scholar) with the Nature Inspired Computation and Applications Laboratory, School of Computer Science and Technology, USTC.
Prof. Yao is an IEEE Fellow and a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society. His major research interests include evolutionary computation, neural network ensembles, and real world applications. He has given more than 50 invited keynote and plenary speeches at conferences and workshops worldwide. He has more than 300 referenced publications.
Prof. Yao was the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION from 2003 to 2008, an Associate Editor or editorial board member of 12 other journals, and the Editor of the World Scientific Book Series on Advances in Natural Computation. He was the recipient of the President"s Award for Outstanding Thesis by the Chinese Academy of Sciences for his Ph.D. work on simulated annealing and evolutionary algorithms in 1989. He was the recipient of the 2001 IEEE Donald G. Fink Prize Paper Award for his work on evolutionary artificial neural networks.
报告题目: Some Applications of Evolutionary Computation
时间:6 月14日周五 16:00~17:00
地点:图书馆 中心会议室
Evolutionary computation has enjoyed an incredible growth in recent years. This talk highlights a few examples in evolutionary computation in terms of its applications, including data-driven modelling using the evolutionary approach in materials engineering,
dynamic route optimisation for salting trucks, multi-objective design of hardware and software, neural network ensemble learning for pattern classification, and online ensemble learning in the presence of concept drifts. The primary objective of this talk is to illustrate novel applications of various evolutionary computation techniques,rather than to go into depth on any of the examples. However, I would be delighted to go into the depth on any of the topics if there is an interest.
Xin Yao is a Professor (Chair) of Computer Science at the University of Birmingham, UK, and directs the Centre of Excellence for Research in Computational Intelligence and Applications (CERCIA,http://www.cercia.ac.uk) , which specialises in applied research and knowledge transfer. He is also a Changjiang (Visiting) Chair Professor (Cheung Kong Scholar) with the Nature Inspired Computation and Applications Laboratory, School of Computer Science and Technology, USTC.
Prof. Yao is an IEEE Fellow and a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society. His major research interests include evolutionary computation, neural network ensembles, and real world applications. He has given more than 50 invited keynote and plenary speeches at conferences and workshops worldwide. He has more than 300 referenced publications.
Prof. Yao was the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION from 2003 to 2008, an Associate Editor or editorial board member of 12 other journals, and the Editor of the World Scientific Book Series on Advances in Natural Computation. He was the recipient of the President"s Award for Outstanding Thesis by the Chinese Academy of Sciences for his Ph.D. work on simulated annealing and evolutionary algorithms in 1989. He was the recipient of the 2001 IEEE Donald G. Fink Prize Paper Award for his work on evolutionary artificial neural networks.