Our school team won bronze prize in Asian regional competition of ACM/ICPC


        On October 18, 2015, the 40th ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest ACM ICPC -Changchun Asia division live competition was hosted at the Northeast Normal University. Our team, named "the English Team Name" and supervised by Feng You, had wonderful performance in the five-hours contest and finally won the bronze. The team members include Yang Xu, Zhaoxiang Chen, and Yining Zhang, whom are from Information Science and Technology Institute.

        ACM/ICPC is known as the "Olympics" of the IT industry field. It is annually hosted by the American association of computer, which aims at showing college students' innovation ability, team spirit, coding ability under pressure and the ability of analyzing and solving problems. After nearly 40 years of rapid development, the ACM/ICPC has become the world's most influential college computer competition.

       Our college has attended this competition since 2005. Feng You and Yong Liu organize the algorithm training during weekends and holidays, which lays the foundation of our college for gradually increasing the level of this competition. ACM team members are welcomed by the enterprise after graduation, and every year, many players can hunt job positions in some well-known companies such as Microsoft, Baidu and Tencent etc. to work.

        Changchun division is the first station of our ACM team this year. Hope in the following competitions, they will do better!