Dr. Youxian Sun


Double Employed Academician-

Youxian Sun

Professor, PhD Supervisor,

Email: 2006860001@ buct.edu.cn


Youxian Sun, born on 23 December 1940 in Zhuji, Zhejiang Province, is an expert in industrial automation, an Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, a professor and doctoral supervisor of Zhejiang University, dean of the School of Control Science and Engineering of Zhejiang University, director of the Institute of Modern Control Engineering of Zhejiang University, director of the National Engineering Research Centre for Industrial Automation, honorary Dean of Jiyang College of Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University, double employed academician for the school of Information Science and Technology of Beijing University of Chemical Technology.

Areas of Research of Expertise

  • Modeling of complex industrial processes,

  • Control and optimization of complex industrial processes,

  • Factory integrated automation system,

  • Complete automation system for large-scale equipment,

  • Robust control theory and applications.


Research Abstract

 Sun Youxian creatively proposed a whole set of system modeling technology, advanced control technology, online optimization technology, fault diagnosis technology, fault-tolerant control technology, system integration technology and integrated automation technology in view of the characteristics of complex industrial systems such as high uncertainty, high nonlinearity, high relevance, extremely large pure delay and incomplete information, and has been successfully applied in large-scale industrial plants,

 Youxian Sun has led the establishment of China's first national engineering research center, creatively solved the major key technologies in the overall design of computer control system software for large production lines in pulp, paper and biochemical industries, successfully developed the Supcon decentralized control system, fieldbus control system, Suny TDCS9200 industrial control computer system, as well as the hardware platform and software platform of integrated automation system and realized industrialization.

 By 2007, Youxian Sun had established 24 dynamic mathematical models, developed 25 advanced control algorithms, 18 computer control systems, 6 special paper instruments and 12 soft measurement software in the field of pulp and paper and biochemical automation engineering for various production processes in large enterprises, and promoted their application in more than 20 provinces and cities, achieving significant economic benefits.

Research Projects

 By April 2018, Youxian Sun had presided over or completed more than 50 scientific research projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China Major Project, the National Natural Science Key Fund, the 863 High Technology Program, the National Science and Technology Tackling Program, the National High Technology Industrialization Major Project, major provincial and ministerial-level science and technology projects and major automation projects of enterprises. His research achievements have won one first-class, three second-class and one third-class National Science and Technology Progress Award, two National Excellent Teaching Achievement Awards, and more than 20 first- and second-class Provincial and Ministerial Science and Technology Progress Awards.

Main Achievements & Awards


High-security complete specialized control units and systems

Second-class prize of National Science and Technology Progress award(ranked third)


Research and application of design and development platform for high end control equipment and systems

First-class prize of National Science and Technology Progress award (ranked first)


Fully integrated next generation industrial automation system

Second-class prize of National Science and Technology Progress award


EPA real-time industrial Ethernet technology

First-class prize of Zhejiang provincial science and technology progress award


Modeling, control and optimization of production processes in large paper mills

First-class prize of Zhejiang provincial science and technology progress award


Modern control theory and methods for pulp and paper processes

Second prize of Science-Technology Progress Prize of the Ministry of Education


Fieldbus control systems

Second-class of National Science and Technology Progress award(ranked third)


An applied theoretical study of robust control of uncertain systems

First-class prize of Zhejiang provincial science and technology progress award


Computer-optimized control of production processes in large paper mills

Second prize of Science-Technology Progress Prize of the Ministry of Education


SUPCON JX-100 centralized control system

Third-class prize of National Science and Technology Progress award

Academic Works   

 By April 2018, Youxian Sun had published 18 monographs and edited books, more than 500 SCI and EI-indexed papers, and more than 20 authorized patents.

Publication date





China Automation Industry Development Report

Youxian Sun and Haibin Yu

Beijing:Chemical Industry Press


China Automation Industry Development Report

Youxian Sun and Jie Chen

Beijing:Chemical Industry Press


Principles of Automatic Control Study Guide Knowledge Essentials

Exercise problems Examination questions

Youxian Sun

Beijing:Chemical Industry Press


Handbook of Control Engineering volume I

Youxian Sun et al

Beijing:Chemical Industry Press


Handbook of Control Engineering volume II

Youxian Sun et al

Beijing:Chemical Industry Press


Intelligent automation promotes energy saving, consumption reduction and emission reduction in industry

Youxian Sun Cheng Wu and Tianran Wang

Beijing: Science Press


automatic control theory

Youxian Sun and Hui Wang

Beijing:Chemical Industry Press


automatic control system

Youxian Sun

Beijing:Chemical Industry Press


Industrial Process Control Technology Applications

Youxian Sun

Beijing:Chemical Industry Press


Process Control Science and Technology and Applications- Proceedings of the 19th China Process Control Conference

Youxian Sun

Beijing:Chemical Industry Press


Industrial Process Control Technology Methods

Youxian Sun and Jian Chu

Beijing:Chemical Industry Press


Industrial Process Control Technology Applications

Youxian Sun and Shao Huihe

Beijing:Chemical Industry Press


Fault detection and diagnosis techniques for control systems

Donghua zhou, Youxian Sun

Beijing:Tsinghua University Press


Analysis and synthesis of fault tolerant control systems

JianHua Ge and Youxian Sun

Hangzhou:Zhejiang University Press


Paper Process Modelling and Control

Youxian Sun

Hangzhou:Zhejiang University Press


Modeling and Control of Industrial Processes Chinese Society of Automation Proceedings of the First Scientific Report on Process Control 1987

Youxian Sun,Ji Qian

Hangzhou:Zhejiang University Press


Analysis and treatment of faults in automatic regulating systems

Youxian Sun

Beijing:Chemical Industry Press


Automatic adjustment of boiler equipment

Youxian Sun and Hong Sun

Beijing:Chemical Industry Press