A delegation of our college visited Technological University Dublin of Ireland


From June 6 to June 8, respond to the invitation from Technological University Dublin of Ireland, Feng He, Chair of the College of Information Science and Technology, and his colleagues visited Technological University Dublin. Thomas Stone, Vice President of the University, Pramod Pathak, Dean of Faculty, Paul Doyle, Head of the School of Computer Science, and representatives of teachers and management staff of relevant schools met with the delegation.

During this visit, our college and the School of Computer Science of Technological University Dublin had in-depth exchanges and discussions on the early talent training joint training project of both sides. Based on previous cooperation, representatives of both sides signed the '3+1+1' agreement on undergraduate students programs, which covers all the majors of our college, expanded the channels for undergraduate students to further their studies abroad. The delegation also conducted a detailed survey of the teaching and scientific research environment of Technological University Dublin, and conducted targeted thematic discussions with representatives of the School on the construction of the joint training system for international talent of both sides, the application of Sino foreign cooperative schools running projects for training talent in the computer field, and discussing future scientific research cooperation. At the same time, a milestone report was conducted by the Global Innovation Teams project with international parties collaborating on the future of internships, laying a solid foundation for further expansion of talent cultivation, scientific research, and other cooperative activities between the two universities.

Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin) is the first science and technology university in Ireland and one of the largest institutions of higher learning in Ireland. The university was formed by the merger of the former Dublin Institute of Technology, Institute of Technology, Tallaght, and the Institute of Technology, Blanchardstown. The quality of education is regulated by QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland). Since 2017, the College of Information Science and Technology and the School of Computer Science of TU Dublin have jointly carried out research on the reform of international talent training. During this period, three full-English courses and four international courses were constructed. Among them, the 'Mobile Internet Technology (full English)' course was rated as the first-class undergraduate course of Beijing University of Chemical Technology. The cooperation between the two sides has also been funded by the education reform project of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission and the European “Erasmus+” project. This exchange visit has deepened the understanding and cooperation between both parties, laying the foundation for further expansion of joint scientific research in the future.