College of Information Science and Technology Held the "One College, One Theme" Competition and Teaching Integration Teaching Reform Forum


On the morning of November 19, 2023, the College of Information Science and Technology held the "One College, One Theme" competition and teaching integration teaching reform forum of in the Qiuzhen Lecture Hall of Changping Campus. Feng He, secretary of the Party Committee of the College of Information Science and Technology, attended and delivered a speech. Wang Jun, dean of Beihang Hangzhou Innovation Institute, Zhang Beike, director of Simulation Engineering Center, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Du Zengzhi, deputy director of the Academic Affairs, Yan Hong, deputy dean of College of International Education, Tan Jing, deputy dean of College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, Wu Xiangsen, deputy secretary of College of Chemical Engineering, Duan Shun, deputy dean of College of Materials Science and Engineering, Chen Na, deputy dean of College of Economics and Management, Cui Yu, deputy secretary of College of Information Science and Technology, Wang Xi and Zhang Fan, deputy dean of College of Information Science and Technology and others attended. Li Dazi, deputy dean of College of Information Science and Technology presided over.

In his speech, secretary Feng He extended warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to all the leaders, teachers and students attending the conference. He said that the integration of competition and education is both a "new form" and an "old method". Promoting teaching through competition and integrating competition with teaching are the educational concepts and principles advocated by our school all along. College of Information Science and Technology has been fully implementing the Party's educational policy, promoting the improvement of the quality of independent training of talents, and actively guiding students to participate in discipline competitions, and has made certain achievements. Secretary Feng He put forward several hopes to all the staff of the School of Information Technology. First, teachers should fully understand the importance of the integration of competition and teaching in education, take discipline competition as a powerful supplement and extension of teaching, and cultivate students' innovative spirit and practical ability. Second, strengthen the organization and management level of competition activities. The third is to pay attention to the education function in the process of competition.

Subject competitions are competitions in which students compete in specific subject areas to demonstrate their competitiveness in relevant areas of knowledge, skills and creativity. Du Zengzhi, deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office of Beijing University of Chemical Technology, introduced the students' second classroom achievement display and the overall preparation for "Science and Technology Week". Subsequently, the conference commended the outstanding instructors who have made outstanding contributions to the discipline competition of the college for a long time, the outstanding instructors and excellent students of this essay competition.

Award-winning students Huang Dongqi, Yin Tengxiao and He Yuan delivered speeches as student representatives. The three students shared their experiences from winning prizes to outside competitions, as well as their gains and growth in discipline competitions.

Keynote presentations by invited guests. Professor Wang Jun extended the learning of basic knowledge to the cultivation of practical ability, and mapped the basic knowledge and skills needed for the improvement of practical ability of new engineering college students from the aspects of the correlation between basic knowledge and competition and the structure of the curriculum system. Taking TMBH New Engineer Youth Elite training camp as an example, Professor Zhang Beck systematically introduced the talent dilemma in the era of Industry 4.0 and the way to solve the talent dilemma. Professor Zhao Liqiang introduced in detail the construction, effectiveness, existing problems and countermeasures of the interdisciplinary innovation Center of the School of Information Technology. Starting from the ACM competition, Mr. Liu Yong, the representative of the instructor of the competition, reported the team's working ideas and excellent results, and showed the excellent results of promoting teaching through competition.

After the meeting, the leaders, experts and teachers went to the engineering training center to visit the Science and Technology Week activity site.

In the afternoon, with the theme of the competitions mainly participated by students of the College of Information Science and Technology, the special competition group of "Ximenzi", "Electronics" and "Programming" were organized to introduce the overall competition situation to the participating students and encourage students to actively participate in the discipline competition.

This conference aims to promote teaching through competition, promote the conformal development of innovation and entrepreneurship education, promote the deep integration of teaching and discipline competition, and promote the overall development of the college. The College of Information Science and Technology will continue to implement the spirit of the Party's 20th Congress, implement moral cultivation as the fundamental task, adhere to the "three aspects of education", promote the "five aspects of education", promote teaching through competition, integration of competition and education, implement practical teaching content, practice links, scientific training and other multi-dimensional practical system reform, create a ladder type practical teaching system, enhance students' innovative ability and engineering ability. Make new contributions to the modernization of education in the new journey.