Congratulations! Professor Wang Youqing won the first prize of Natural Science Award of Chinese Association of Automation!


Recently, the results of the 2023 Chinese Automation Society Natural Science Award were announced. Professor Wang Youqing from our institute won the first prize as the first completer. This honor not only signifies high recognition of Professor Wang Youqing’s research in the field of chemical process safety assessment but also represents a significant milestone in the discipline construction of the college.

Professor Wang Youqing has long dedicated himself to research in the field of control. He has achieved a series of important research results in areas such as intelligent control theory and chemical safety assessment. The award-winning project is called "State Monitoring of Industrial Systems Based on Multivariate Statistics and Deep Learning".

Industrial system condition monitoring plays a very important role in ensuring production safety and product quality. Condition monitoring methods based on multivariate statistical analysis (e.g. principal component analysis and partial least squares, etc.) are linear and mainly aim at simple industrial systems. However, with the advancement of science and technology, industrial systems have become more and more complex. Nonlinearity, non-Gaussianity, dynamics and high dimensionality have brought many challenges to system status monitoring. In addition, complex industrial systems are unstable and often produce missing data and outliers, which make condition monitoring more difficult. This project aims at complex industrial systems and studies condition monitoring based on improved multivariate statistical analysis and deep learning.

The Chinese Society of Automation is one of the earliest national-level academic mass organizations established in our country. It undertakes the responsibility of serving scientific and technological workers and cultivating talents in the field. Over the years, it has attached great importance to the training and recommendation of scientific and technological talents. The Chinese Society of Automation has constantly improved the science and technology award system, and created four-in-one society award system and authoritative awards such as "Science and Technology Achievement Award" and "Science and Technology Figure Award", "Scientific Paper Award" and "Team Achievement Award", which aim to encourage and commend individuals, teams and units that have made outstanding achievements in academic progress and industrial development.

Project name: Industrial system status monitoring based on multivariate statistics and deep learning

Completed by: Wang Youqing, Fan Jicong, Ma Xin

Completed by: Beijing University of Chemical Technology, City University of Hong Kong, Shandong University of Science and Technology