Raj Reddy has been appointed Emeritus Professor in the College of Information Science and Technology


On the morning of April 26, 2024, Raj Reddy, Turing Award winner and professor at Carnegie Mellon University, was appointed as an emeritus professor of the College of Information Science and Technology, Beijing University of Chemical Technology. The appointment ceremony was held in the Academic Lecture Hall on the East Campus and presided by Vice President Gan Zhihua. President Tan Tianwei delivered a welcoming speech, and Dean Wang Youqing of the College of Information Science and Technology presented Prof. Reddy with an emeritus professor appointment certificate. Following the ceremony, Prof. Reddy made an academic report entitled "The Promise and Perils of AI" to the faculty and students.

Dean Wang Youqing introduced Professor Raj Reddy's outstanding scientific research achievements, and spoke highly of his outstanding achievements in the field of artificial intelligence research. Dean Wang expressed anticipation for future exchanges and cooperation with Prof. Reddy, hoping to receive his guidance and assistance in student training and talent team building.

Raj Reddy is honored to receive the title of Emeritus Professor at the College of Information Science and Technology. He is particularly eager to engage in the future exchanges and collaborations with the school in the future.

The College of Information Science and Technology has invited Prof. Reddy to become an Emeritus Professor. This appointment will greatly contribute to promoting the development of information disciplines of our university, particularly computer science, and to elevate the prestige and popularity of information disciplines.

Raj Reddy is a professor at Carnegie Mellon University. He is a foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, American Academy of Engineering, IEEE Fellow, AAAI Fellow. His research primarily focuses on human-computer interaction and artificial intelligence. He received his Ph.D. from Stanford University in 1966 and has since held positions at Stanford University, Carnegie Mellon University, and other esteemed academic institutions. In 1994, Prof. Reddy received the Turing Award, the highest honor in computer science, for his outstanding contributions to the field of artificial intelligence. From 1999 to 2001, he served as co-chair of President Clinton's Information Technology Advisory Council. In 2006, he received the Vannevar Bush Award, the highest honor bestowed by the National Science Foundation.

This year celebrates the 30th anniversary of China gaining full access to the Internet, with our university being the first to connect. To mark this milestone, the College of Information Science and Technology has meticulously organized a series of events commemorating this occasion. Prof. Reddy's academic report served as the official commencement of these commemorative activities.