Dean Wang Youqing led a delegation to visit three European countries


From June 6 to 15, 2024, Wang Youqing, Dean of the School of Information Science and Technology, led a delegation to visit six universities, including Newcastle University, University of Surrey, King's College London, Dublin University of Technology, Technical University of Kaiserslautern, and Technical University of Munich in Germany, and conducted in-depth discussions with the above-mentioned institutions on academic cooperation, joint training of students, international teaching, teacher exchanges, and talent introduction. The delegation members included Wang Xi, Vice Dean of the School of Information Science and Technology, He Yanlin, Director of the Department of Automation, Liu Yong, Prof. of the Department of Computer Science, and Ma Xin, a teacher of the Department of Automation.

On June 7, Dean Wang Youqing and his delegation visited Newcastle University, and had academic exchanges with Prof. Jie Zhang of the Department of Process Systems Engineering of the School of Engineering and some doctoral students and postdoctoral station personnel, and negotiated on scientific research cooperation and joint training of students. At the same time, the delegation gave a lecture on the situation of the School of Information and the talent introduction policy. This lecture not only attracted teachers and students from Newcastle University, but also scholars from other surrounding universities. After the meeting, the delegation visited the campus of Newcastle University, learned about the history of the school, and visited the laboratory building.

The delegation took a photo with Prof. Jie Zhang

Dean Wang Youqing introduced the School of Information Science and Technology of Beijing University of Chemical Technology

The delegation visited the laboratory building

On June 8, the delegation visited the University of Surrey and held talks with Prof. Tao Chen, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences. Dean Wang Youqing briefed the participants on the basic situation of the School of Information, Vice Dean Wang Xi answered the participants' questions about the school's introduction policy, and Dr. Ma Xin, who had visited the University of Surrey, shared his feelings during the exchange at the University of Surrey and after returning to China. After the meeting, the delegation visited the training center of the college.

The delegation took a photo with Prof. Tao Chen's research group

The delegation communicated with teachers and students from the University of Surrey

The delegation visited the training center

On June 9, the delegation visited King's College London and exchanged views with Jie M. Zhang, assistant Professer of the Department of Computer Science, on the joint training of students. Jie M. Zhang introduced the development history of King's College London and his research direction to the delegation, and Prof. He Yanlin, director of the Department of Automation, introduced the undergraduate training of the School of Information. Prof. Liu Yong, who had jointly trained postgraduates with Jie M. Zhang, had an in-depth discussion with Jie M. Zhang on the training and development of students. Jie M. Zhang expressed his great welcome to the students of the School of Information to come to King's College London for joint training, and hoped to find more international cooperation opportunities.

The delegation took a group photo with teacher Jie M. Zhang

The delegation exchanged views with teacher Jie M. Zhang on student training

On June 10, the delegation visited TU Dublin, Ireland, and was warmly received by Prof. Paul Doyle, Dean of the School of Computer Science, Prof. Brian Gillespie, Vice Dean, and Ms. Iseult Kellyn, the school's operations manager and director of industry partnership development. Beijing University of Chemical Technology and TU Dublin have a cooperation foundation of more than ten years, and have in-depth cooperation in many aspects such as joint training of students, international teaching, and academic exploration. Prof. Liu Yong, who has rich experience in student competition training, introduced the situation of undergraduate students from the School of Information participating in the competition, and hoped to have deeper cooperation in broadening students' international vision. The two sides had in-depth exchanges on the application for the Ministry of Education's Sino-foreign cooperative education project, and also clarified the ideas for further promoting cooperative education.

The delegation took a group photo with Prof. Paul Doyle and Prof. Brian Gillespie

The delegation visited the offices and laboratories of the School of Computer Science

On June 12, the delegation visited the Technical University of Kaiserslautern in Germany and held talks with Prof. Ping Zhang from the Institute of Automatic Control of the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering. Prof. Detlef Zühlke from the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the university was the first to propose the concept of Industry 4.0.

The delegation took a group photo with members of the Institute of Automatic Control of Kaiserslautern University of Technology

Prof. Ping Zhang organized an academic exchange meeting and introduced the development history of TU Kaiserslautern and the research direction of the Institute of Automatic Control under the background of Industry 4.0. Dean Wang Youqing introduced the basic situation of the School of Information and its highlights in the field of scientific research. Subsequently, Prof. He Yanlin and Dr. Ma Xin gave academic reports entitled “Research on Data-Driven Modelling and Its Application in Process Industry” and “Health Monitoring of Industry Systems Based Multivariate Statistics and Deep Learning” respectively. Doctoral students Wenyan Ye and Mengsen Jia from the Institute of Automatic Control gave academic reports entitled “A Data-Driven Optimal Time-delayed Control Approach and lts Application to Aerial Manipulators” and “Monte Carlo Tree Search with Neural Networks for Petri Nets respectively”. Afterwards, the delegation members had a heated discussion on related topics with teachers and students from TU Kaiserslautern.

Prof. Ping Zhang introduced the development history of Kaiserslautern University of Technology

Dean Wang Youqing introduces Beijing University of Chemical Technology to teachers and students of Kaiserslautern University of Technology

Prof. He Yanlin gave an academic report titled Research on Data-Driven Modelling and Its Application in Process Industry

Dr. Xin Ma gave an academic report titled Health Monitoring of Industry Systems Based Multivariate Statistics and Deep Learning

Wenyan Ye gave an academic report titled A Data-Driven Optimal Time-delayed Control Approach and lts Application to Aerial Manipulators

Mengsen Jia gave an academic report titled Monte Carlo Tree Search with Neural Networks for Petri Nets

On June 13, the delegation visited the Technical University of Munich in Germany and held talks with Prof. Chunyang Chen of the School of Computer Information and Technology. Dean Wang Youqing introduced the basic situation of the School of Information, Vice Dean Wang Xi answered questions about talent introduction in our school, and Prof. Liu Yong discussed the latest research progress in software engineering with Prof. Chunyang Chen. The two sides discussed opportunities and directions for future cooperation, and Prof. Chunyang Chen expressed his welcome to students from the School of Information to exchange and study in his research group.

The delegation took a group photo with Prof. Chunyang Chen

The delegation answered questions from international students about talent introduction

The delegation's visit to the three European countries is an important part of the School of Information Science and Technology's efforts to promote the school's opening up to the outside world, apply for the Higher Education Discipline Innovation and Talent Attraction Plan, and build a world-class innovation and talent attraction base. Through this visit, the School of Information has deepened its ties with top universities in the UK, Ireland, and Germany, enhanced mutual understanding and trust, and laid the foundation for academic cooperation, teacher exchanges, and joint student training. It has also provided new directions and ideas for promoting the construction of the School of Information's majors and disciplines and improving the quality of talent training.