Dr. Xian Shi


Associate Professor

Email: shixian01@buct.edu.cn


 I am an Associate Professor at College of Information Science and Technology, Beijing University of Chemical Technology. Previously, I was a postdoctoral researcher in Beihang University. I obtained PhD degree from Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS.

 Areas of Research of Expertise

  • Quantum resources theory

  • Quantum Algorithms


 Undergraduate Teaching

  • Discrete Mathematics

  • College Computer


 Funded Research Projects

 The National Natural Science Foundation of China:

  •  Research on the characterization and distribution of entanglement in multipartite systems

 Basic research funds for central universities:

  •  Research on transformation tasks in quantum entanglement theory

Five Representative Publications                                           

1. Xian Shi. A coherence quantifier based on the quantum optimal transport cost.

Physical Review A 109, 052443 (2024)

2. Xian Shi, Lin Chen. Monogamy relations for the generalized W-class states beyond qubits. Physical Review A 101, 032344 (2020).

3. Xian Shi, Lin Chen, Mengyao Hu. Multi-linear monogamy relations for three qubit states. Physical Review A 104, 012426 (2021).

4. Xian Shi. The entanglement criteria based on equiangular tight frames.
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 57, 075302 (2024).

5. Xian Shi, Lin Chen. A genuine multipartite entanglement measure generated by the parametrized entanglement measure. Annalen der Physik 535, 2300305(2023)