​Dr. Fei Ma


Dr. Fei Ma

Trainee Associate Professor,master's tutor

member of Information Science and Technology



Fei Ma, Doctor of Engineering, Trainee Associate Professor, graduated from Beihang University (BUAA) in 2020 with a Ph.D. degree in Signal and Information Processing, and was fully funded by the China Scholarship Council (Scholarship Council) to McGill University (MCGill), Canada, to conduct visiting research in image processing and machine learning in 2017. Published more than 10 SCI papers in international journals, and was nominated for the “Best Paper” in LSMS-ICSEE 2017, and won the 2020 “Zhongke Xingtu” High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Interpretation Competition, and the “High-Resolution Visible Image Interpretation Competition”. Won the first place in the project of “Fine Labeling of High Resolution Visible Images” in the 2020 “CSTAR” High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Interpretation Competition.

Areas of Research of Expertise

  • Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Signal Processing, SAR Image Interpretation

  • artificial intelligence, machine learning, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) signal processing, and SAR image interpretation.


Funded Research Projects

The National Natural Science Foundation of China:

  • Modeling and Fine Classification of Polarized Scattering in Salt Precipitation Areas of Salt Fields (National Natural Science Foundation of China)

Five Representative Publications                                           

  1. Zhang Fan, Sun Xujiao, Ma Fei*, et al. Superpixelwise likelihood ratio test statistic for PolSAR data and its application to built-up area extraction[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2024, 209: 233-248.

  2. Fei Ma, Xuejiao Sun, Fan Zhang, Yongsheng Zhou and Hengchao Li, "What Catch Your Attention in SAR Images: Saliency Detection Based on Soft-Superpixel Lacunarity Cue," in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 61, pp. 1-17, 2023, Art no. 5200817, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2022.3231253.

  3. Fei Ma, Fan Zhang, Deliang Xiang, et al. Fast Task-Specific Region Merging for SAR Image Segmentation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022.

  4. Fei Ma, Deliang Xiang, et al. Weakly Supervised Deep Soft Clustering for Flood Identification in SAR Images[J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 19:1-5, 2022

  5. Jiaxin Tang, Deliang Xiang, Fan Zhang, Fei Ma*, et al. Incremental SAR Automatic Target Recognition with Error Correction and High PlasticityIEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2022.

  6. Fei Ma, Fan Zhang, Qiang Yin, et al. Fast SAR Image Segmentation With Deep Task-Specific Superpixel Sampling and Soft Graph Convolution[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2021.

  7. Ma Fei, Zhang Fan, Zhou Yongsheng, et al. First Prize of the Fourth High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Interpretation Competition “Fine Labeling of High-Resolution Visible Images”, Organizing Committee of the Annual Conference on High-Resolution Earth Observation. 2020.

  8. Fei Ma, Fei Gao, Jun Wang*, Amir Hussain, Huiyu Zhou. A Novel Biologically Inspired Target Detection Method based on Saliency Analysis in SAR Imagery [J]. Neurocomputing, 2020, 402: 66-79.

  9. Fei Ma, Fei Gao*, Jinping Sun, Huiyu Zhou and Amir Hussain. Attention Graph Convolution Network for Image Segmentation in Big SAR Imagery Data[J]. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(21): 2586.

  10. Fei Ma, Fei Gao*, Jinping Sun, Huiyu Zhou, Amir Hussain. Weakly Supervised Segmentation of SAR Imagery Using Superpixel and Hierarchically Adversarial CRF[J]. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(5): 512.

  11. Fei Gao, Fei Ma*, Jun Wang, Jinping Sun, Erfu Yang, Huiyu Zhou. Visual Saliency Modeling for River Detection in High-Resolution SAR Imagery[J]. IEEE Access, 2017, 6: 1000-1014.

  12. Fei Gao*, Fei Ma, Xiling Luo, Jun Wang, Jinping Sun. Hierarchical Feature-Based Detection Method for SAR Targets Under Complex Environment[J]. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2017, 26(3):647-653.

  13. Fei Gao, Fei Ma, Yaotian Zhang*, Jun Wang, Jinping Sun, Erfu Yang, Amir Hussain. Biologically Inspired Progressive Enhancement Target Detection from Heavy Cluttered SAR Images[J]. Cognitive Computation, 2016, 8(5):1-12.

  14. Gao F, He Y, Wang J, Ma Fei, et al. Pixel-wise segmentation of SAR imagery using encoder-decoder network and fully-connected CRF[C]. International Conference on Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems. Springer, Cham, 2019: 155-165.

  15. Du W, Zhang F, Ma Fei, et al. Improving SAR Target Recognition with Multi-Task Learning[C]. IGARSS 2020-2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE, 284-287.

  16. Liu Y, Zhang F, Ma Fei, et al. Incremental Multitask SAR Target Recognition with Dominant Neuron Preservation[C]. IGARSS 2020-2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE, 754-757.