Dr. Jin Xu


Dr. Jin Xu


Email: xjbeijing2021@buct.edu.cn


Dr. Jin Xu is currently a Lecturer at College of Information Science and Technology, Beijing University of Chemical Technology. He got his Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering at Beihang University in 2012. He obtained his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering at Beihang University in 2021.His current research interests include the theory and application of electromagnetic nondestructive testing.

Areas of Research of Expertise

  • Theory and application of electromagnetic fields

  • Electromagnetic nondestructive testing


Undergraduate Teaching

  • Principles of Communication

  • Principles of Circuit


Funded Research Projects

The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities:

  • Research on eddy current testing method of metal multilayer plate parameters using "apparent conductivity"

Five Representative Publications                                           

  1.  Wang D, Xu J*, Xin W, Zhu S, Han Y. Thickness and conductivity measurement of nonferromagnetic metal coating using apparent eddy current conductivity[J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (SCI, Top), 2024,73:6007410.

  2. Jin Xu, Dongli Wang, Wei Xin. Coupling Relationship and Decoupling Method for Thickness and Conductivity Measurement of Ultra-Thin Metallic Coating Using Swept-Frequency Eddy-Current Technique, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (SCI, Top), 2022, 71: 6004809.

  3. Jin Xu, Jing Wu, Wei Xin, Ziliang Ge. Measuring ultrathin metallic coating properties using swept-frequency eddy-current technique, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (SCI, Top), 2020, 69(8): 5772-5781.

  4.  Jin Xu, Jing Wu, Wei Xin, Ziliang Ge. Fast measurement of the coating thickness and conductivity using eddy currents and plane wave approximation, IEEE Sensors Journal (SCI), 2021, 21(1):306-314.

  5. Jin Xu, Jing Wu, Benli Wan, Wei Xin, Ziliang Ge. A novel approach for metallic coating detection through analogizing between coil impedance and plane wave impedance, NDT & E International (SCI), 2020, 116: 102308.