Dr. Duli Yu


Dr. Duli Yu

Office: 310 College of CIST, dyu@mail.buct.edu.cn, Cell: (86)138-1129-4822


1978-1983 B. S., Tsinghua University, Department of Engineering Mechanics.

1989-1994 Ph.D., Institute for Manufacturing (IfM), Louisiana Tech University, 1994-1996 PostDoc, Institute for Manufacturing (IfM)

1996-2009 Senior staff engineer, Input/Output Inc. Houston, Tx, USA

2009.8-2017.12 ProfessorPI, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2017.1-2021.11 Dean, Professor, School of Information Science and Technology, Beijing University of Chemical Technology

2022.1-Present Professor, School of Information Science and Technology, BUCT

Research Area

MEMS and BioMEMS, Mechanics, Seismology, Precision Instruments

Innovation and recent peer reviewed papers:

First to conceive the concept and advocate the systematic research in high speed train seismology, which is a 0 to 1 innovation

Mentor of gold cup winners of undergraduate national STEM competition49/1500 among national final list, 2021挑战杯特等奖

Mentor of a Ph.D. highly competitive post-doc清华水木学者

See DuliYu’s paper list