Dr. Huichao Shi


Dr. Huichao Shi

Associate Professor

Email: shihc@mail.buct.edu.cn


Graduated from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics with a Ph.D. in Precision Instruments and Machinery, and was a visiting scholar at the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Missouri, USA. Currently serving as a member of the Sensor Branch of the Chinese Instrumentation Society and the Flow Subcommittee of the Chinese Metrology and Testing Society.

In recent years, as the first author/corresponding author, he has published over 40 SCI indexed papers in international authoritative journals such as MECH SYST SIGNAL PR, SENSOR ACTUAT A-PAYS, REV SCI INSTRUM, IEEE SENSOR JOURNAL, MEA etc; Apply for or authorize 12 invention patents; Hosted 1 sub project of national key research and development program, 1 sub project of major technology foundation, 1 sub project of basic scientific research, 1 Beijing Natural Science Foundation general project, 1 postdoctoral science foundation general project, and multiple enterprise horizontal projects. Participated in the completion of multiple projects, including the Natural Science Foundation general project, the Natural Science Foundation instrument special project, and the Ministry of Science and Technology's key research and development plan.

Research direction

Process parameter measurement, sensing technology and devices, intelligent sensors, intelligent perception technology and networks, etc.