[Report]Global Cloud Computing for Astronomical Big Data

Editor:College of Information Science and Technology Time:2014-11-20

报告题目:Global Cloud Computing for Astronomical Big Data

    The astronomical scientific world is in the midst of a data tsunami. Data is now being generated by more and more devices and at higher rates than ever before. Data is measured in Petabytes and Exabytes and the volume is still increasing. How can we possibly process all of this data? This talk will discuss the latest research on decentralised elastic cloud computing which can process hundreds of Terabytes per hour, using a global network containing hundreds of thousands of distributed computing resources. 


保罗·道尔出生于爱尔兰的都柏林, 天文数据处理博士学位,他分别于1990年和1992年获得都柏林城市大学的学士学位和硕士学位,从1993年到2003年就职于太阳计算机系统公司(SunMicrosystems),曾任高级经理并且负责开发该公司的服务器实时控制管理系统。保罗还曾就职于银行自助服务软件公司CR2并被任命为全球IT产品经理。他是都柏林理工大学本科课程的负责人,计算机学院云计算的高级讲师,并且与高速光度测定研究中心爱尔兰黑石(Blackrock)天文台合作,利用云计算技术研究全球化数据处理。 “”"