Dr. Congzhou Chen

Associate Professor, Supervisor of Postgraduate

Editor:College of Information Science and Technology Time:2024-01-20

Dr. Congzhou Chen

Associate Professor, Supervisor of Postgraduate

Email: chencongzhou@ buct.edu.cn


Dr Congzhou Chen is an Associate Professor and Supervisor of Postgraduate. Congzhou Chen received his PhD degree in Computer Software and Theory from the School of Information Science and Technology, Peking University in 2020. Then he engaged in postdoctoral research in the School of Computer Science, Peking University from 2020 to 2023. In the same year, he joined Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT) as a "High-level Talent" Category entrant. He is mainly focused on the research of artificial intelligence and novel computing. He has hosted one National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) project and one postdoctoral grant, and participated in one key project of the Ministry of Science and Technology and one key project of NSFC.

Areas of Research of Expertise

  • Artificial intelligence (graph neural networks, biomedical data processing)

  • Novel computing (DNA computing, molecular circuits).


Undergraduate Teaching

  • Fundamental of College Computer


Funded Research Projects

The National Natural Science Foundation of China:

  • Research of Probe Machine based on Nanotechnology


  • Research on DNA origami tiles with programmable assembly

Main Achievements & Awards

  • He was granted 2 patents and applied for 4 patents.


  • Congzhou Chen, Jin Xu*, Xiaolong Shi*. Multiform DNA Origami Arrays Using Minimal Logic Control. NanoScale, 2020. (SCI Q1, TopIF:8.3, Front paper)

  • Congzhou Chen, Jin Xu*, Luoshan Ruan, Haiyan Zhao, Xin Li, Xiaolong Shi*. DNA Origami Frame Filled with Two Types of Single-Strand Tiles. NanoScale, 2021. (SCI Q1, Top, IF:8.3)

  • Mingyuan Ma, Sen Na, Xiaolu Zhang, Congzhou Chen*, Jin Xu. SFGAE: A Self-feature-based graph autoencoder model for miRNA-disease associations prediction. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2022. (SCI, Q1, TopIF:14)

  • Congzhou Chen, Jinyan Nie, Mingyuan Ma*, Xiaolong Shi*. DNA Origami Nanostructure Detection and Yield Estimation Using Deep Learning. ACS Synthetic Biology, 2023. (SCI Q1, TopIF:5.3)

  • Congzhou Chen, Xin Chen, Xin Li*, Xiaolong Shi*. DNA computing for gastric cancer analysis and functional classification. Frontiers in Genetics, 2022. (SCI Q1IF:4.7)

  • Congzhou Chen, Jinda Wen, Zhibin Wen, Sijie Song, Xiaolong Shi*. DNA strand displacement based computational systems and their applications. Frontiers in Genetics, 2023. (SCI Q1IF:4.7)

  • Congzhou Chen, Tingting Lin, Mingyuan Ma, Xiaolong Shi*, Xin Li*. Programmable and Scalable Assembly of a Flexible Hexagonal DNA Origami. Nanotechnology, 2021. (SCI Q2IF:3.9)

  • Jin Xu†, Congzhou Chen†, Xiaolong Shi*. Graph Computation Using Algorithmic Self-Assembly of DNA Molecules. ACS Synthetic Biology, 2022. (SCI Q1, Top, IF:5.3)

  • Congzhou Chen, Jin Xu*, Xiaolong Shi*. Adjusting Linking Strands to Form Size-controllable DNA Origami Rings. IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, 2020. (SCI Q3IF:3.2)

  • Congzhou Chen, Jin Xu*, Xiaolong Shi*. Optical and Topological Characterization of Hexagonal DNA Origami Nanotags. IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, 2021. (SCI Q3IF:3.2)